"The House of Friendship"

  • Rev. Ned Wells

    will be leading worship on Sunday.

  • Join us for live Worship or streamed on Zoom

    10:00am every Sunday


    Thursdays, at 10:30am on ZOOM.  We continue to wrestle with "Son of God", - "Pass the interpretation, Please!.   ALL ARE WELCOME!!

  • Movie Night & Potluck Supper

    Starts at 6:00pm

    Movie at 7:00pm - "High Noon"


Sunday, January 19th

Service at 10:00am

Rev. Ned Wells will be leading worship. The service begins at 10:00am. The scripture for this week: John 2:1-12 The theme for this week: "Look toward Heaven."

Potluck Supper and

Movie Night Friday, January 17th. Starts at 6:00pm

 "High Noon", starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly, winner of four Academy Awards in 1952, was declared by John Wayne as “the most un-American thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life.” Why would Wayne say that even though he accepted the Academy Award for Best Actor on behalf of his good friend, Gary Cooper, who was out of the country making another movie? Come, and find out!

Our Sunday School Christmas Pageant

In November the UCW had Hon. Lieutenant Lee-Anne Quinn speak to us about her work, in the Military, and now since retiring.  She told us about her work and passion to keep the Brock Primary Care Clinic open to provide medical care for those who are marginalized in our Community.
We were pleased to give a donation of $1,000.00 to help assist with the Brock Primary Care Clini

East City Condos


One rental condo unit is available for rent.


The unit available is as follows:  

#609       777 sq. ft.    Accessible; 1BRm + Office


What a fantastic congregation we have here at Mark Street United Church! Your generosity with White Gift collection as well as the Mitten Tree has resulted in an amazing contribution to the lives of many people. This week, the items were gathered, counted, and then delivered to the YES Shelter, Brock Mission and Cameron House. Each location was extremely grateful to receive the items. We collected a total of 35 canned and boxed food items in addition to $335.00 in monetary funds. The Mitten Tree final count was 36 mittens, 22 hats, 12 scarfs, 19 pairs of socks, 1 neck warmer & mitten set, and 3 stuffies. Although all items are really appreciated, we were told that hand-made items are cherished by the recipients. 

Community Connections

The Peterborough Lions Club, after years of doing so, continues to ask for donations of your old but not excessively scratched prescription eyeglasses. Now, they also have a gently used shoe collection. These donations can now be made at Mark Street United Church. There will be a box for eyeglasses and a separate large box for shoes on the landing between the two sets of stairs and under the coat rack when going up the staircase on the right in Friendship Hall. Drop your donations into the boxes so that they may be sent to many international locations who have the need.

Thank you for your anticipated involvement.

The Outreach Committee

Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Click to Donate

The worship experience at Mark Street United Church is inspirational and informative.  Our Organist and Choir members lead us in music, which sets the stage emotionally and spiritually for a richer experience.  Our Minister guides us through a multi-media, thought provoking, scripture based service which helps us understand scripture and makes us understand its' relevance in today's world, as well as our role as Christians in our complex world. Children are engaged in our Children's area, story time with the minister, and then Sunday school with friends for more stories, crafts, games and fun!

Our Mission Statement/Motto:

Mark Street United Church,

the House of Friendship,

is a faith community


to worship inclusively as we serve God together.

We Are on Facebook and Instagram!

Please Like and Follow us on Social Media to Keep Connected.

Rev. Ned Wells will be leading worship on

Sunday, January 19th at 10:00AM at Mark Street United Church Sanctuary.

This service will be in-person and Zoom.

Join us each week for In-Person Worship or through ZOOM. Feel connected, and participate in the fellowship with our Christian family. You will find your invitation to join us in your email or contact the church office during regular office hours at 705-742-2682 to be included. 

To see more, please go to "Calendar of Events" located under  "What's Happening".

The "Calendar of Events" page gives information about what is happening in the church.

Mission Statement
Mark Street United Church, the House of Friendship, is a faith community 
called to worship inclusively as we serve God together.

Vision Statement
“Mark Street United is a sanctuary (safe place) for people of all
 ages, gender identities, racial/cultural backgrounds,  sexual orientations, 
abilities, economic status, and family configurations, 
reflecting justice for all as we worship with intentional harmony, and include full participation of everyone in the life and work of our ministry.”

New Arrival!

Photo Credit:  Garth Wedlock

Are you interested in photography?  Photos of local nature scenery or wildlife are displayed on the website and with our announcements.  If you have an interesting photo, send it attached to an email to the church office at [email protected] for potential selection.

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