"The House of Friendship"

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  • Join the Choir!

    Choir Practice everyThursday at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary - Everyone welcome!!

  • Rev. Ned Wells will be leading worship on Sunday.

  • Join us for live Worship or streamed on Zoom

    10:00am every Sunday


    Resumes Thursday, September 12th at 10:30am on ZOOM.  We will continue to wrestle with "Son of God", - "Pass the interpretation, Please!.   ALL ARE WELCOME!!


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Congratulations Rev. Emeritus Alan P. Boyd of Mark Street United Church!

Sunday, October 13th

Service at 10:00am

Join us for Sunday Worship. Rev. Ned Wells will be leading worship. The service begins at 10:00am.   The scripture for this week is:  Matthew 6:25-33.  The meditation theme is Thanksgiving.


Join us on Zoom for Bible Study beginning at 10:30am on Thursdays.  Our study continues to wrestle with "Son of God".  "Pass the Interpretation, Please!"  It's no never late to join us!!  Let Rev. Alan Boyd or the Office know if you would like to participate.

Syrian Gala

The worship experience at Mark Street United Church is inspirational and informative.  Our Organist and Choir members lead us in music along which sets the stage emotionally and spiritually for a richer experience.  Our Minister guides us through a multi-media, thought provoking, scripture based service which helps us understand scripture and makes us understand its' relevance in today's world, as well as our role as Christians in our complex world. Children are engaged in our Children's area, story time with the minister, and then Sunday school with friends for more stories, crafts, games and fun!

Our Mission Statement/Motto:

Mark Street United Church,

the House of Friendship,

is a faith community


to worship inclusively as we serve God together.

East City Condos


Three rental condo units are available for rent.


The units available are as follows:  

#305     1,065 sq. ft.     2 BRm

#609       777 sq. ft.    Accessible; 1BRm + Office

#707       856 sq. ft.    1BRm + Den/BRm


6:00pm on Friday, October 25th

We will be enjoying the movie, "Starman".  Director Jon Carpenter will get us thinking about the importance of how we imagine the Divine.

Community Connections

On Sunday, June 9th, the 100th anniversary of the United Church of Canada, the socks, hopefully, 100 of them would be blessed by Rev. Ned and then delivered to One City. Why socks? Socks provide warmth, comfort, and can prevent nasty bacteria from entering into the body. 

Just before the worship service was to begin, the socks were counted. In total, 191 pairs of socks were donated and that, dear reader, is quite a feet! In the attached photo, Barb Rimmer, a representative of Mark Street handed Banmeet Kaur of One City, the bag of socks and on this, a cooler day, they were even more appreciated.

The Peterborough Lions Club, after years of doing so, continues to ask for donations of your old but not excessively scratched prescription eyeglasses. Now, they also have a gently used shoe collection. These donations can now be made at Mark Street United Church. There will be a box for eyeglasses and a separate large box for shoes on the landing between the two sets of stairs and under the coat rack when going up the staircase on the right in Friendship Hall. Drop your donations into the boxes so that they may be sent to many international locations who have the need.

Thank you for your anticipated involvement.

The Outreach Committee

Hello Friends:

I wanted to take a few moments to thank you very much for the slide presentation at last evening's gala, Khaldon and Adam.. It was very well done, Adam, and, Khaldon, you did a wonderful job explaining the PPP to us. You shared your family and your home with us and for that we are very grateful. 

A huge thank you to your lovely wife for all of the amazing desserts! They were a huge hit and I don't think there was a treat left at the end of the night. Everyone thought they were so delicious. 

I would be remiss if I didn't thank Lynn J. and Janice for, not only their help, but also for the help they brought along to set up, to serve, to take down, do dishes and to just be delightful representatives of what we can accomplish together. 

To our decorators, Lynn and Tim Holland and to our sommelier and photographer, Lynn, Thank you. 

To Linda J., the bows that were created by you in the colours of the Syrian flag were a great finishing touch to the draping tulle and twinkling lights. 

Greg and Jonathon, you two were also a huge part of the success of the evening. Greg, you masterfully ran the kitchen lickety split so it ran like a well-oiled machine and you did it with your crazy fun sense of humour. Brenda, you are certainly the Dish Duchess because you are always willing to help. 

Rev. Ned, thank you for leading us in prayer and for announcing the gala each Sunday morning. In total, 36 tickets sold and special thanks to Maxine P. for convincing so many of her friends to attend. 7 volunteers were given complimentary tickets for their "blood, sweat, and tears". Lol!

While Khaldon's family of 15-20 persons did not join in the meal, their presence was most -welcomed and went a long way in bringing us closer together heart-to-heart. Oh, the dancers; they were so much fun and they even got 90 year-old, Rev. Donovan B., to join in. You are such a good sport, Rev. Donovan. 

There was some rice and chicken left over which was taken to the Brock Mission and the gorgeous cream-coloured flowers were given to the women at Cameron House. Both gifts were received with smiles and words of appreciation for our kindness.

The Gala, which raised $938.71, was successful and accomplished the financial goal but, more importantly, it paved the way for raising awareness, bringing differing cultures and communities of faith together, and best of all, we came together as the blessed children of God to pray, to break bread, and to dance.


Karin DesChamp,

Outreach Co-Ordinator

Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Click to Donate

You say EVERYONE is welcome, but I am really not sure you mean someone like ME!

We accept each other as we are and welcome the ministry and participation of all persons regardless of age, gender identity, gender expression, health, race, sexual orientation, differing abilities, religious or ethnic background or economic circumstance. We hope that in all we do including our worship and community life, God’s unconditional love is experienced.

Car, bus, foot or bicycle

We have a parking lot immediately behind the church, street parking around the church. Many people enjoy walking to church and buses pass directly in front along Hunter St. E.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you are most comfortable in. Jeans are fine. Some people prefer to dress up. We just appreciate your presence.

What happens during the service and how will I know what to do?

All worship services are user-friendly; lots of direction is given. Don’t worry! Everything is clearly outlined in our order of service, which is handed to you by one of our greeters.

I was not brought up in the United Church. Is there a place for me?

Yes. No one here knows everything. Beginners are welcome on Sundays and at all our programs.

If I bring an infant in a stroller, can I easily gain access into your building?

Our main and lower floor, including our worship space, are stroller accessible.

Are children welcome?

Yes, we love their energy and enthusiasm.

What provisions do you have for people with disabilities?

Our main and lower floors, including our worship space, are wheelchair accessible.

Do I need to bring money?

We do collect an offering at each service, but you will see that not everyone puts something on the plate as it is passed around. Some people have an automatic monthly donation taken from their bank account (pre-authorized or “PAR” for short), some make an offering only once a month, some people make their offering by donating their time as that is what they have to give.

Everyone is welcome. Come as you are.

We Are on Facebook and Instagram!

Please Like and Follow us on Social Media to Keep Connected.

Rev. Ned Wells will be leading worship on

Sunday, October 13th at 10:00AM at Mark Street United Church Sanctuary.

This service will be in-person and Zoom.

Join us each week for In-Person Worship or through ZOOM. Feel connected, and participate in the fellowship with our Christian family. You will find your invitation to join us in your email or contact the church office during regular office hours at 705-742-2682 to be included. 

To see more, please go to our "Weekly Announcements" located under 

"What's Happening" and click the button for weekly announcements.  The "Calendar of Events" page also gives information about what is happening in the church.

Mission Statement
Mark Street United Church, the House of Friendship, is a faith community 
called to worship inclusively as we serve God together.

Vision Statement
“Mark Street United is a sanctuary (safe place) for people of all
 ages, gender identities, racial/cultural backgrounds,  sexual orientations, 
abilities, economic status, and family configurations, 
reflecting justice for all as we worship with intentional harmony, and include full participation of everyone in the life and work of our ministry.”

You can't see me!

Photo Credit:  Lynn Holland

Are you interested in photography?  Photos of local nature scenery or wildlife are displayed on the website and with our announcements.  If you have an interesting photo, send it attached to an email to the church office at [email protected] for potential selection.

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