Celebrating PIE Day
The Affirm Committee would like to remind everyone that March 14, 2025 is PIE Day.
What does PIE stand for?
Public means that we have not only made the decision as a congregation to become Affirming, but that we are willing to state by words and actions to the public that this is so.
Being public means that we will use symbols and signs both inside and outside our building to indicate that we are accepting of LGBTQIA and Two Spirit people and include them as part of our family of faith. It also means showing up in public spaces to support gender and sexual diversity. Recently I thanked our Moderator for attending a sporting event in support of a transgender athlete who was being harassed and bullied by the members of an opposing team representing a Bible college. Personally, I don’t understand how Jesus’ instruction to love our neighbour allows people to feel they can bully and harass others.
Intentional refers to putting thought and resources into action! Many people and groups even within the church believe that gender and sexual diversity is now fully accepted. This cannot be further from the truth. Many people are living in fear because of the pushback against members of the LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit community. Even within our own East Central Ontario Regional Council it has become increasingly difficult to get members to sit on the Affirm Committee due to fear and/or exhaustion.
Explicit means not having to wonder. Church should be a place of wonder and not a place where one has to wonder if they will be accepted or not. We need to be explicit about naming that members of the LGBTQIA and Two spirit folk are an integral part of who we are as a community of faith.
So, this Sunday, please join us following worship as we enjoy Pie (actually mini pies tarts) as a reminder that we celebrate PIE Day.
As an Affirm Committee we would also welcome any suggestions for how we might better fulfil our Mission to be Public, Intentional and Explicit. If you have ideas or suggestions please speak to a member of the Affirm Committee ( Rev. Ned Wells, Karin D., Mavis S. and Wendy B.) We would also welcome any new members who would like to join us.
Message from Wendy B.
Are you ready for a summer adventure like no other?
Camp BoldFire is the place to be for queer youth in Ontario looking to have the time of their lives! Join us for a summer filled with fun activities, new friends, and a safe and supportive community that celebrates you for exactly who you are.
Camp BoldFire Registration 2025
Important Information:
Dates: August 10-15, 2025
Campers: Ages 12-16 (born 2009-2013)
Leaders in Training: Ages 17-18 (born 2007-2008) --- Note: Acceptance into the LIT program is not guaranteed. For more information about the LIT program, visit our website or contact us!
Location: Near Petawawa, Ontario (approx. 3 hours from Toronto and 2 hours from Ottawa). The exact location will be sent to you with your registration confirmation.
Cost: Tiered payment with payment options ranging from $450 (subsidized) to $1,000 (full cost)
Registration Process:
Contact Us for More Information:
Email: director(at)projectboldfire.com
Text: (226) 917-6314
Social Media @projectboldfire
We held our Affirming Celebration Worship Service on Sunday, April 21st.
It was a joyful day!!
Mark Street United Church Marriage Policy:
All persons coming to Mark Street United Church with requests for weddings be given the same consideration. Arrangements are made in consultation with, and at the discretion of the minister. The minister shall ensure an accurate record of Mark Street United Church Marriage Registration is maintained.
The couple shall meet with the minister in advance of the ceremony.
Council approval is required.
The organist must be contacted in advance to arrange music details. If there is another preferred musician, permission to use the organ must be obtained from the organist. Guest musicians/singers may perform, and arrangements can be made for use of the sound system.
Wedding Programs can be available upon request if ordered one month in advance. There is a charge for the cost of the cover including shipping and handling, plus $20.00 for preparation and printing. Pictures can be taken during the ceremony. Pictures are not to be taken during the exchange of vows and rings.
Alcohol cannot be served on the church property without permission from the sitting Council. No alcohol is allowed in the sanctuary.
Confetti or similar products cannot be thrown on the church property.
All fees must be brought to the church office along with the marriage license on or two weeks prior to the marriage ceremony. Also bring all fees submitted in separate envelopes to facilitate distribution.
• Use of church $100.00
• Minister $250.00
• Custodian $ 75.00
• Organist $200.00 (may be revised, depending on music selection and qualifications of organist)
• Lift Operator/Greeter $ 25.00
When ceremony held at a remote destination:
Conditions regarding the use of the church property, organist/pianist/custodian will not apply. All negotiations will be made with the minister.
Mark Street United Church is a member of
The United Church of Canada
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Office Hours for 2025
Mon- Fri: 9 AM to 1 PM
Google Map
90 Hunter Street East
Peterborough, ON
K9H 1G5